Friday, October 11, 2024

Peru MCM G1 Mechanical Dryer. Fully Washed

Ringgit Malaysia 60 per kg unroasted beans

Roasted on 10.10.2014 

Full-bodied, solid and bold, chocolate and fruity, well balanced flavour and long lasting flavour.

首先品尝到明显的Chocolate 味,味道浓郁,慢慢品尝到 creamy and smoke 的烤香味和多层次的果香味,尾韻是甜和微酸的果味,悠久留香。


古老原生豆种 Typica 和 Bourbon,与天然突变的豆种 Caturra, 是吸引我的主要因素。

SCAA 精品咖啡的評分在80 至84.99 之间是 “Very Good”

SCAA : Specialty Coffee Association of America

這款咖啡的評分是 SCAA 81。


Farm and varietal:

Region: Peru, Chanchamayo, San Martin

Producer: Smallholder Farmer

Varietal: Bourbon, Typica, Caturra

Processed: Fully Washed

Altitude: 1200 - 1450 masl

 Drying: Mechanical Dryer

Harvest: Mar - Sept

Cup Profile: Roasted nut, chocolate, creamy, fruity, berry

Friday, August 30, 2024

Nicaragua Anaerobic Natural SHB San Antonio

 August 2024

日晒,水洗,蜜处理 (Natural Sun Dry, Washed, Honey ) 是传统的咖啡豆处理法。

Anaerobic 厭氧法,灵感来自于红酒的釀造工艺的处理法。2015 年因为参赛作品采用了這新式处理法而岀现於咖啡界。


Chocolate 味带出微果香,明亮,层次分明,口感醇厚,没有涩觉,尾韻甘香。

Farm and beans:

Region: Matagalpa / San Antonia

Supplier:  Sajonia Estate Coffee S.A

Varietal: Catuai Rojo

Altitude: 1200 - 1400 Masl

Process: Anaerobic Natural

Other info: Cherry SHB, Young P4580

Cup Profile: Fruity, Over-Ripen Fruits, Creamy

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Coffee Varietals 咖啡豆的品种



据悉,世界上所有的咖啡豆的原生基因,皆源自非洲东岸的埃塞俄比亞 Ethiopia 。

咖啡的饮用和功效,於9世纪在 Ethiopia 首次被当地人发现。Ethiopian的传說  Kaldi and his goats, 虽然沒有書写记录,却是口口相传的传說。

有書写记錄的, 是在阿拉伯半岛的也门 Yemen , 於12世纪在也门种植咖啡树。





咖啡豆,简单的分为 Arabica (阿拉比卡) ,Robusta (罗布斯塔) 和 Liberica (利比里亚) 这三个豆系,称为豆种。


Arabica 的古老原生豆种,分为两大支:

1) Ethiopia 本土古老原生的 Heirloom 豆种,和

2)   15世纪开始,从 Yemen 也门传播到世界各地的古老原生豆种 Typica ,以及由Typica 天然突变成的 Bourbon 豆种。


 1) Heirloom古老原生咖啡

Heirloom 咖啡豆,主要是指 Ethiopia 木土古老原生的豆种。

Ethiopia 有无計数种古老原生的咖啡树种,这些古老原生树种大多没有被定名分类,而被笼统称为” Heirloom”.

而可以被称为 Heirloom 品种,有特定的基本标准,其中之一,必须是经历过几代人在同一个地理区域内,由同一家农户或群体农户种植的栽种品种。

由于 Ethiopian Coffee 主要是以种植区域分类,如 Sidamo, Guji 或 Yirgacheffe, 当一些古老原生咖啡树不属于现有的种植区域分类時,就会被定义为”Heirloom"。

2). Typica 铁皮卡

Typica 是从 Yemen 也门传播到世界各地的古老原生豆种。

在Arabica豆种当中,Typica 和 Bourbon 两个树种被列为古老的优良品种。

Typica 以高品质和平衡的口味,清晰的果香和甜味著称。

Typica, also called Criollo (Creole), Indio (Indian), Arábigo (Arabica), Plume Hidalgo, Blue Mountain, and Sumatra.

3) Bourbon 波旁

18世纪时,法国人将 Typica 树种移植到印度洋上的非洲的 Re’union Island,(旧時称为波旁岛 Island Bourbon)。为了适应新环境,被移植的 Typica 品种自然变异为波旁岛品种的变异新品种,因此称之为Bourbon品种。

Quality  Potential : 4/5 (very good)
Bourbon 具有豐富的风味和較高的甜度。

Ethiopia 本土古老原生品种


Ethiopian landrace
Quality Potential: 5/5 (Excellent)


Ethiopian landrace
Quality Potential: 4/5 (Very Good)


从这两种咖啡豆 Typica 和 Bourbon 又衍生出其他的豆种,如Kent、Mocha、Blue Mountain、Caturra和巴西杂交种Mondo Nuevo等等数千种。无法确切估计目前全世界究竟有多少经由自然变异,或人工配种、突变、插枝、混种等等技术改良而延伸出来的新品种,但是,可以确定的是,这些树种都是阿拉比卡豆系所培育出来,前、后期育成的新品种。

Typica 家族的𧗠生树种

Maragogype,Brazil 象豆



Kona , Hawaii 可纳


BlueMountain, Jamaica 蓝山

Typica is still widely planted in Peru, the Dominican Republic, and Jamaica, where it is called Jamaica Blue Mountain.

风靡全球,一颗豆都难求的蓝山! 多半是因为它大多都被皇军承包了,还有一部分原因则是它一旦离开牙买加,就水土不服,状况不佳。经过两百年的驯化,蓝山在牙买加才算是进化成功了,对烂果病的抵抗力优于一般铁皮卡。

Caripe, Venezuela

Caripe was identified in 1956 in Venezuela.

Quality Potential: 4/5 (very good)


Typica-like genetic background, introduced to Rwanda in 1956.
Quality Potential: 4/5 (very good)

Bourbon 家族的𧗠生树种

SL28, SL24, Kenya :


Bourbon Amarello, Brazil 黄波旁

是巴西圣保罗州特有的黄色外皮的波旁变种,一般咖啡果子成熟后会变成红色,但黄波旁成熟后不会变红,呈橘黄色而得名。黄波旁由于在「CoE」(Cup of Excellence)中,几乎囊括了前三名大奖,成为精品咖啡界的当红品种。

Caturra, Brazil 卡杜拉

Natural mutation of the Bourbon variety
Quality Potential : 3/5 (Good)

它是 1915 - 1918 年之间在巴西发现的一个Bourbon 的天然突变品种, 风味和 Bourbon豆不相上下或会稍差。
中南美洲也有变种的黄色卡杜拉,但风评不如 Bourbon Amarello 黄波旁。

JACKSON 2/1257 

A selection of Jackson. Bourbon-like genetic background.
Quality Potential : 3/5 (Good)

Bourbon Mayaguez 139 (BM139)

Bourbon-like genetic background

Quality  Potential : 4/5 (very good)

Bourbon Mayaguez 71 (BM71)

Bourbon-like genetic background

Quality  Potential :3/5 (Good)

Pacas, El Salvador,Cental America 帕卡斯

帕卡斯产量高,质量佳,在中美洲颇为流行,萨尔瓦多目前有68%属 Bourbon波旁品种,帕卡斯就有29%。

Villa Sarchi (also called La Luisa or Villalobos Bourbon)

A natural mutation of Bourbon

Quality  Potential :3/5 (Good)

One of the rust-resistant Timor Hybrid plants, called HDT CIFC 832/2, was crossed with compact Villa Sarchi to create hybrid 361 (H361). The hybrid was dubbed “Sarchimor.” 

Typica 和 Bourbon 混配的洐生品种

Mundo Novo, Brazil 新世界


Catuai,Brazil 卡杜艾

Mundo Novo x Caturra

Quality  Potential: 3/5 (Good)




Pacamara,  El Salvador,Cental America  帕卡玛拉

是Typica 变种的象豆与Bourbon 变种的帕卡斯的新品种,豆粒大小仅次于象豆。2007年拿下「CoE」双料冠军,更包办了萨尔瓦多的前三名大奖,是萨尔瓦多的后起之秀。

First Generation Hybrid (F1)

“ CATIE” represents Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigacion y Ensenanza. 

“T” represents Turrialba, where CATIE is based.


A first-generation (F1) hybrid originating from a cross between rust-resistant [T5296] and the Ethiopian landrace variety Rume Sudan.

Quality Potential : 4/5 (Good)


A first-generation (F1) hybrid originating from a cross between Caturra and an Ethiopian. F1 hybrid varieties are still relatively new in coffee agriculture.

Caturra x Ethiopian wild accession "ET41" (CATIE collection)
Quality Potential : 5/5 (Excellent)


Caturra x Ethiopian landrace accession "E531'' (CATIE collection)
Quality Potential : 4/5 (Very Good)


T5296 x Ethiopian Local Variety accession "ET25" (from the CATIE collection)
Quality Potential : 4/5 (Very Good)


Naryelis (Catimor) x Ethiopian landrace accession "ET06" (CATIE collection)
Quality Potential : 4/5 (Very Good)

与Robusta 混配的品种

Timor Hybrid

It will be called Tim Tim when grown in Latin America.

The only one of its kind on record, the spontaneous mating (自发交配)of a Robusta and an Arabica plant bore Timor Hybrid on the East Asian island of Timor. Since its appearance in the 1940s, it has become the parent plant for many modern man-made hybrids,

The marriage of Timor Hybrid with Caturra.

Catimor varieties  include: 

Costa Rica 95Timor Hybrid 832/1 x Caturra. Quality Potential : 2/5 (Low)

Catisic: Timor Hybrid 832/1 x Caturra . Quality Potential:  1/5 (very low)


IHCAFE 90: Quality Potential:  1/5 (very low)

Anacafe 14: (Timor Hybrid 832/1 x Caturra) x Pacamara. Quality  Potential : 3/5 (good)
Catimor 129, Cat129, Nyika in Malawi:  Quality  Potential : 3/5 (good)

Batian , Kenya
was released in Kenya in 2010. Quality  : Potential : 4/5 ( very good). 

The marriage of Timor Hybrid with Typica and Bourbon. 独特,果香和花香。

Castillo, Colombia 

Beginning in 2008, Colombia incentivized renovation of over three billion coffee trees with the leaf-rust-resistant Castillo variety (which has Caturra parentage). 

Some in the specialty coffee sector consider Castillo to be lower quality than other varieties as it shares a genetic heritage with Robusta beans.


Introgressed (Sarchimor related).
Quality Potential: 3/5 (Good)


Timor Hybrid x Caturra
Quality Potential: 3/5 (Good)


Quality Potential : 2/5 (Low)


Kenya Coffee Beans

Kenyan Coffee Is One Of The World’s Five Best Coffees

With its rich body, high acidity, intense flavor, and delightful aroma, it should be no wonder to be one of the world’s five best coffees.

SHG / SHB Status

Coffee beans from Kenya grow at elevations anywhere from 1,400 to 2,000 meters high. This elevation means Kenyan coffee beans qualify for Strictly High Grown (SHG) / Strictly Hard Bean (SHB) status.

SHG/SHB status is an aspect of coffee grade. It means the coffee beans are grown at high elevations, which allows beans to develop slowly and with more nutrients than lower-grown beans.

Kenyan Coffee Varietals: 

Kenyan coffee beans are Arabica beans that come in five different varietals:

  • SL 28: The original Kenyan varietal, SL28, came from Ethiopia in the first place, is a medium- to high-elevation coffee bean that requires much less rain than  SL34.
  • SL 34 :
  • K7 : is a newer varietal that doesn’t produce as good of a cup of coffee as the SL28 and SL34 but has the advantage of disease immunity.
  • Ruiru 11 : is a newer varietal bean that could be immune against diseases while also producing an excellent cup of coffee.
  • Batian : was released in Kenya in 2010 could be immune against diseases while also producing an excellent cup of coffee. Composite variety containing parentage from: SL28, SL34, Rume Sudan, N39, K7, SL4 and the Timor Hybrid.

Kenyan Coffee Grades

Currently, there are 8 Kenyan coffee bean grades: 

E : Grade E or Elephant grade coffee beans are the largest grade of Kenyan beans. 

PB :  PB or Kenya Peaberry beans

AA : Kenya AA beans, for instance, are typically sweeter than. It recommended to buy AA grade coffee beans.

AB, C, TT, T, and MH/ML. : Kenya MH/ML beans, which are low-quality and tend to taste sour.

Grades are given to coffee beans before roasting to determine their size. Bean size is important since beans of the same size roast at the same rates.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Indonesia Papandayan Natural West Java Old Tree Typica Linie-S795 BCAA Score 85.5

 June 2024 

Ringgit Malaysia 96 per kg of. raw Arabica coffee bean.

My tasting experience:

Sweet, fruity, complex, aromatic, juicy and unique flavour.

Acidity: Sweet and Clear

Body: Medium body with clear aftertaste



手磨咖啡豆,Moka Pot 煮咖啡,是”Perfect 10”的味道!

我们称之为”Perfect 10”的清新入门版,它什么味道都有,新鲜水果清甜,微微的果酸,不明显的发酵味,轻柔的苦,不察觉的涩,整体感觉让人喝着心情愉悦。

冷粹的咖啡,喝到了葡萄酒Wine 的发酵味感,惊艳!

Farm and Coffee Beans:



West Java Arabica has a long history, having been planted and traded since the Dutch colonial times in the 17th century. 

Papandayan Mountain is an active volcanic mountain located in Gurat regency, West Java province. The volcano’s last eruption happened in November 2002. 

With an altitude around 1200 - 1700 m above sea level and volcanic soil, the farmers have cultivated a perfect Arabica coffee that can be called the best among other areas in West Java.

The total production per year is only 200 Metric Tons which makes the coffee one of the most wanted to be hunted down by hardcore coffee seekers.

Region: West Java

District: Papandayan

Village: Garut

Soil Type: Mountainous and Volcanic soil

Process: Natural

Varietal: Old Tree Typica, Linie-S795

Altitude: 1200-1700 MASL

Jackfruit, Winey, Spicy, Chocolare, Creamy, Tropical fruit, Caremel, Stone Fruit

SCAA Score: 85.5 

(Each coffee is given a score of 0 to 100 , SCAA Quality Scores of 80 or above considered to be of specialty grade) 

Friday, April 26, 2024

Brazil, Natural Anaerobic, Fazenda Rancho Grande, Su De Minas

 April 2024

不贵的价格 Ringgit 59 per kg 




是欣赏單品咖啡的 “Perfect 10”入門选择。



Region: Su De Minas

Varietal: Topazio

Altitude: 950 Masl

Process: Natural Anaerobic

Cup Profile: Liquor, Dark Cholate

SCAA Score: 85